Gallium Nitride GaN Class D Amplifiers

In my recent research for a possible upgrade to my current amp (Benchmark (AHB2) I was reading about the new higher end design for Class D. I'm very interested in learning more about these new GaN(Gallium Nitride) designs. Three companies are offering some very well reviewed products and they are not going crazy with Watts per channel:

Orchard Audio offers a 250 watt Amp

AGD a 100 watt

Atmos-Phere also a 100 watt

What's interesting  is while Orchard is a new company AGD and Atmos-Phere have been around a while producing high end Tube amps. In almost every review it is noted how these newer designs sound like Class A or Tubes with all the benefits of Solid State. One reviewer couldn't go back to his tube amps after extended listening to the Orchard. No wonder AGD and Atmos-Phere are getting into this technology. It's very exciting as these amps are highly efficient turning over 90% of the power they draw into sound compared to about 78% with A/B designs and I believe even significantly lower for Class A. They run cool and usually weigh between 10-28lbs. I plan to do more investigation. Small size and light weight with decent power is very attractive. There are also mono block offerings for more power if needed. These are not cheap Class D products. They are well designed and constructed.

Orchard Audio's base model is around $2700and their Dual mono version with larger power supplies is $5500.

Both AGD and Atoms-Phere are $5000

Mono blocks for each are about twice the cost.

Has anyone had any experience, demos, etc ., with these types of GaN Class D amps?



I agree with marco1.  I heard the HiFi Rose GaN integrated at AXPONA with Piega speakers and it was very nice.  Almost tube like but no "soul" or "glow".  I listend for over an hour which demonstrated no listening fatigue.  The presentation was "boring" to me.  I really wanted to like the setup and from what I gather it was the GaN integrated characteristics I was hearing based on what explained to me about the design of GaN.  If I were to get a GaN integrated or amp, I'd want to add a tube front end to hopefully add the "soul" or "glow" I'm looking for.

I think the new Class D GaN mono blocks are worth while to demo and hear for yourself what’s possible for a modest cost.

Just my 2 cents - the Ganfets benefit quite a bit from installing the Audio Magic M2 audiophile fuses. In my AGD Audion mk3 monoblocs this is a $600.00 dollar bite, but well worth it. YMMV.

You might be interested in a new one of these as well: SMSL PA200 Gallium Nitride Power Amplifier