Gallo Acoustics

I recently purchased a pair of Gallo Classico CL-4's and a CL-S 12" sub for use with my home theater system [powered by an Emotive 7.1 channel pre-amp & 3rd generation 7-channel amp].  They sound AMAZING!  The imaging is precise & the enormity of the soundstage is impressive. 

Experience with this combination has inspired me too purchase a pair of Gallo Reference 3.1 floor-standing speakers.  I plan to drive these with a Parasound 2100 2.1 channel pre-amp and a 2250 v2 stereo amp, bi-wired.

Anyone else out there a fan of Gallo Acoustics?  Care to ruminate over your experiences, good & bad?  Any pitfalls or cautions I need to be cognizant of with the 3.1's?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xoldmandave

Thanks for the feedback & info.  I figured that the 3.5's were an improvement over the 3.1's.  But, as I have been keeping eyeballs on the Gallo Reference floor-stander series, for quite some time & I have never encountered any models other than the original 3 & the 3.1's on the used market.  Plus, the ones I purchased are, according to the photos, in excellent condition & the price was right.

Tangent upon how this experiment works out, I may eventually move up to one of Gallo's current Reference series, which seems to focus on sub/satt combos.

I had the 3.1's. I bought the cl-4's when they closed them out and I ran them beside the 3.1's for a month. Kept the cl-4's. 
Better bass, never liked sound of side firing subs on 3.1's. They didn't integrate with my room well.
CL-4's are much more efficient,seem to have better dynamics than 3.1's. I am driving them with 200w/ch.
Have a cl-10 sub, which I rarely use now. 
Bass on cl-4's is full range. Only use the sub for movies.
I listen mostly to acoustic jazz.
Replaced Adiva-ti's with cl-2's for surround speakers. Much better surround field now.
Really like the gallo "sound". Neutral, dynamic, very clean sound. NEVER hear compression when driven loudly. Piano sounds so clean now.
They'll bury me with this setup.
For everything Gallo, please see this link for the "Gallo Owners' Thread" here in the "AVS Forum":

All your questions should be answered if you have the time to research through the many pages and owner contributions including mine.
I had a pair of 3.1 and do not remember them having any lack of bass at lower volume, quite the opposite in fact in my system.

I never hooked up the woofer to additional amp as already had too much bass for my room so saw no point in that all.

I sold them as in my room and system I just could not tame the excessive bass output