I have not even touched the surface. They are way too many
bands and songs to listen. Hey the guy that puts all those
bands and songs on the website is a genius and hard worker that is for sure. Right at this minute, I am listen to the Bucaneer's
You're Never Gonna Love Me
With the lines:
You're never gonna love me anymore, anymore,
I know I cheated TWICE before, twice before,
And I cheated AGAIN.......
With lines like that what is not to love???
or songs like Pat Wallace's "Let me fill your hole".
Killer chordal progression and you gotta laugh at the
lines. Let's party all night and get laid lyrics.
Just what every teenager in the 60s wanted, at least
this 60s guy. Self-Idenification. NO aesthetic theory
NO art. Not its function at all.
Where else are you hear a tambourine, tom-tom drums,high-hat harmonica a Hammond organ, and a guitarist using all the strings and all the frets of a Strat?
The Hammond organ on Love's a Fire by the Werps is so maniac with the trumpet as solo. Who would of thought of a trumpet as a solo instrument for a Garage Band?? Voodoo Doll by them is a very very weird song, and I mean weird.
Some unbelieve-able great music and of course some of the lame-est. Some of those groups sounded like they practiced for two minutes, went into a studio and cut a couple of sides. some really horrendous and hideous music.
Screw crap like "I want to hold your hand"!
The Aliens version of "Gloria" is now playing. The 13th O'Clock's version of Psychotic Reaction.... a true killer....I could go on and on.