Gear NOT in your audio system - what do you like?

I read a similar thread awhile ago that I really enjoyed, but can't seem to locate it now.

Many of us have consumed considerable time and $$$ assembling our audio systems. I wonder what favorite gear we would share with eachother if limited by two rules:
1) the component can not currently be in your system (mitigates "pride of ownership" bias), and
2) you must have had first-hand experience with the component sufficient to form a credible opinion (second-hand experience via published reviews don't count!).

I was exposed to the JM Lab Be Utopia line (Utopia, Alto, and Nova) at my local dealer, driven by CJ amps. They deliver a very different perspective of music compared to my system (I am happy with my system). I really enjoy listening to music on the Utopias! Another local dealer has the Alon Lotus Elites - another treat...

What gear do you like, that you don't currently own?
I spent a few weekends at a friends house listening to his ATC Active 50 speakers, they were amazing with every disc played I just sat in amazement listening to that awesome midrange, very uncolored and beyond detailed, the instruments just float around the speakers. Listening to that stereo became an event in itself.
I don't have extensive first hand experience with a lot of gear, but one piece that does stand out is the Pass Aleph 3 which I borrowed for a month last summer. If it wasn't for some impedance mismatching with my other components it's very likely I would have bought it. I really loved its sound.

Like Pragmatist, 47 Labs and Scott Nixon's designs have my interest, especially the Nixon TubeDac+. I've never heard it however.
I once had the chance to listen to a Linn CD12 in a dealers system for a while- wow! It was an active all-Linn system and it was the best sound I think I've ever heard.