I heard one of the German Physiks speakers some years ago, I believe it was the HRS-120, at a dealer. He'd received a used pair as part of a trade deal (they weren't on his usual brand repertoire), and we compared them to a pair of hORNS Mummy's - Polish speakers with a 12" OSWG waveguide (fitted with a 1" exit compression driver) and 12" bass/midrange, all placed in a fiberglass enclosure. I remember this listening session in particular because I've rarely, if ever heard speakers sounding this different compared to one another. My initial and distinct impression was that the German Physiks speakers were... an odd encounter. I then spent some time trying to get my head around their sonic imprinting, but after a while had to give in to the feeling of them simply being a major disappointment - not least considering their high price (some $30,000/pair). The one deficit to come to my mind repeatedly was that they lacked midrange presence and overall immediacy (in effect also: balance and coherency), as if a big suck-out and lack of energy through the entire central mids section marred the presentation here. The bass felt deep and fairly articulated, but seemed to struggle at more elevated levels (hardly over 90dB's), and the upper mids and highs were well-resolved and quite smooth - certainly the best part of their sound. If anything they sounded "sophisticated," and spatial abilities were in some regards noteworthy, but I sorely missed natural presence, coherency, and a more rhythmically astute aspect to their sound. Indeed to my ears they sounded strangely "fluffy" and somewhat diffuse, and I never really got to appreciate the qualities they did have. To each their own, I guess, but this is close to the antithesis of what I'm looking for sound-wise.