Get Power Conditioner -downgrade my expensive PCs?

If I have a High quality Power Conditoner - do I still need my expensive Power Cords?

Thinking of selling them, and buying quality budget ones with sheilding and decent connectors...
Bryston had a statement on their site indicating that if the cord was of adequate size and did not limit current, then, in their opinion, there was no point in using expensive aftermarket cords.

"DBT fails miserably at proving audible differences when comparing amps of similar design and power rating."

OK, that makes sense, and I agree. Then why do so many golden ears go all apoplectic when it's suggested that they couldn't identify their flavor-of-the-day epiphany (amps, cords, i/c's) via dbt? If it’s that mind blowing, you reasonably have to believe it could be identified on a statistically consistent basis - yes?

"Imagining the superior sound....". I Don't know where you get this as I didn’t make any qualitative statements. It sounds good to me – I hope that’s OK with you.

Now - comment regarding Pass' position?

Bryston states that they believe "filtering" power cords impact the 60hz AC current, therefore reducing the performance of their amplifiers, which implies that they do believe PC's make a difference, but that in their opinion it's a negative one. But since they don't specify what they consider to be a "filtering" power cord, it's a pretty meaningless statement. All cables "filter" based on their LC values. So either Bryston thinks that the LC values of their supplied PC's are ideal, or they're simply not making a thorough enough statement of their opinion for me to debate the facts.
I could take two of Bryston's supplied AC cords, and cryo treat one, and even you could hear the difference, if you bothered to listen. So is Bryston wrong? In my opinion, absolutely.
As for Pass Labs; I don't know what they have to say about PC's, and I doubt debating their opinion would change anything, so I won't bother.
As for my comments about DBT testing of amps, I was simply referring to the fact that there are those that believe that any two similarly spec'd amps sound the same, and that DBT proves it. And since you're indirectly advocating DBT, I just thought you'd like to address the issue of why you bought a Bryston amp, when you could have bought a Crown pro amp with similar (or better) specs for far less money. Did you buy the Bryston because you believe it sounds better, or just for the warranty?
Bryston's wrong, Pass (by association) is also wrong. Man, to be an Agon expert. Is there a test to take, or is it just a self-annointing thing?

Note also I wasn't indirectly advocating DBT, I was directly advocating it. Usually those who are most against it are the ones who have the most to lose in their proclamations and insecurities.

I bought the Bryston because I like the color of the lights.
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Snofun3,Or not, My suggestion to call the manufacturer was just that, "a-suggestion". Some times the use of a contact point can help you come to conclusions which will work best for you and your particular set-up and needs. Nothing in this hobby is written in stone as you seem to suggest in your responses. If I happen to find a piece of equipment that works for me I will purchase it, regardless of whether or not somebody thinks contrary to my opinion. Freedom of choice is good,so have at it...