Getting into the music

I’ve found, to my dismay, that it’s very difficult for me to listen to music for the music itself these days. Since I got into this audiophile game many years ago, little by little my musical appreciation has eroded to the point that I find it very hard  to comprehend the music itself if it doesn’t sound good.  Too often I’m listening for sonic delights rather than the message the composer is trying to convey. I find myself going from composition to composition looking for audio niceties. When something sounds good I can then begin to get into what the composer is saying. 
As a former musician, this would have been unthinkable years ago.  Music was everything to me.


RV in exchange for your recommendation for Mussorgsky's Pictures (in another thread) I offer you Kantorow's version of Rachmaninoff's PC #1 on BIS. Of my 8 other versions this fits me best, sonically and musically. I highly recommend it to you. I had a fun couple of hours listening to all of these. 


Similarly, with my Joseph Audio Pulsars, the 5" woofers don't produce the lowest bass but, depending on the source material, I don't usually miss it. The Pulsars replace my Aerial Acoustics 10-T's which actually tended toward too much bass in my 15.5' x 23' room so, overall, I'm happier with the Pulsars. I think with some modest room treatments I will finally be happy or.......wonder if I should add a subwoofer.

It never ends!

For me the most important is not the bass lackings at 50 hertz it is the balance between bass and the other range ... I dont feel a sub is need at all ... Anyway it will be costlier and complex to set it really right in a balanced way ... I hate boominess ...

I listen great organ bass on my headphone anyway ... Most jazz and classical tuba included sound great on my 4 inches woofer with my redesigned porthole though ... Without the redesign porthole it is not balanced nor deep enough at 80 hertz ...


For me it ends when mechanical,electrical and acoustical embeddings are done right , nevermind the gear choices if synergy exist between them ...Price tag dont matter for me ...Acoustics rule ...

Now only music exist ...Sounds being is living walking materialized manifested temporary egregora  with and through my system/room ...


Similarly, with my Joseph Audio Pulsars, the 5" woofers don’t produce the lowest bass but, depending on the source material, I don’t usually miss it. The Pulsars replace my Aerial Acoustics 10-T’s which actually tended toward too much bass in my 15.5’ x 23’ room so, overall, I’m happier with the Pulsars. I think with some modest room treatments I will finally be happy or.......wonder if I should add a subwoofer.

It never ends!

The truth (for me) is good equipment can be had for not a whole lot of money. 

Buying used can get you there too. The trick is once you get that system in place stay with it long enough to appreciate the sound and the music.

I recently noticed an add for a $100,000 DAC?  That is what I paid for my house 35 years ago. Of course I still read reviews but I try not to lust after the "next thing".

If it all becomes too complicated and overwhelming, things (music appreciation) tend to get lost. Take a break from the cycle and when you come back, the music can and will sound fresh again.