OK. WHY do you want to get into vinyl? Have you heard turntable set ups that blew you away? Are there titles available only on LP that you can't find on CD? Have people told you that LP's sound better than CD's? For the life of me, this new phase of vinyl nostalgia is bewildering at best. Pops and clicks, the possibility of needle damage and the unnerving impossibility of track selection is enough to make me scream! And better sound? If YOU think so then go for it. I do own a turntable (VPI TNT Mark5 with 12 inch VPI arm and a Benz ruby cartridge, all set up at the VPI factory). Does it sound as good as my Cary 306 SACD player? It's very close. I upgraded my Cary to an Esoteric X-03SE player. It isn't even close now! Man, the Esoteric is a mile ahead. Certainly I can throw more money at the VPI but how much to better the Esoteric? Thousands! Get a turntable if you're really compelled to BUT, hear one that sounds great to you. Don't read about how warm or great they are. The only real advantage I can think of is the vast number of records out there that may never see release on CD and of course the great 12.5 X 12.5 area for artwork. Other than that, $2000.00 put into a great CD player will blow away most $5000.00 turntable set ups. My humble opinion. Good luck. Joe