Girlfriend's mom threw my Cardas out with trash

This weekend, my girlfriend's parents came to visit. In her mother's haste to "help out" around the house, she threw away my brand new Cardas interconnect, which I had not even unpacked yet.

Will someone please respond with some humor. I could use it right now...
...once my friend's mother-in-law saw his Pass Aleph 6 and said that she's never seen such a beautiful heater!
If said event is indicative of things domestic, such information may be easily worth the price of a pair of Cardas cables. Careful, man.
good one rhyno. i agree. how about send me the cat . i will feed it to my black lab. he likes chew toys that make noise.
> Girlfriend's mom threw my Cardas out with trash
> You want humor? Tell Cardas what happened and ask
> them if they'll send you a new one.

A new set of cables or a new girlfriend?