Give the new Kid Rock a shot.

I initially picked up the Kid Rock "Rock and Roll Jesus" and scanned it quickly. Not bad but it was not on my must play list. I gave it a run the other day and I'm here listening to it yet again. What a change in the "Kid". He is sounding Skynard / rock / mountain music / fun. Two of the favorites are #10 "Blue jeans and a rosary" and #11 "Half your age" (the more you hear this one the more you like it). I like all sorts of music from classical to country and this disk is up with my favorites. LMK if anyone has any imput on his "new" sound.
the first two guys with the closed minds sound give the kid a chance he is a great performer and you just might like his music. the kid will play with anyone and is open minded about any music and will play any stile. my be you two should take a que from the kid and open you mind to different kinds of music. you might surprise yourself and really enjoy it
Put me in the "closed mind " camp. I cant get past this dirt bags looks to even consider him. There is just so much new music I have time ( or $ ) to try, that I have no problem taking a pass on him. Also, anyone that age that goes by the name " kid " ....
so your telling me that because some of the greatest musicians were not the best dressers and had bad stage names, and there are a lot of them, you will not listen to them. that means i guess you dont really listen to much music. DO YOU!
There's too much good music out there to find......why waste my time on "performers" like kid rock?
Different music?! Are you kidding me? And what's up with the "if it's well recorded and sounds good on my system" viewpoint. I'm sure Michael Bolton is "well recorded"...that doesn't mean I want to listen to it. The only people who like this stuff and thinks that it's different probably have the lamest music selections in their collection. The argument here would be akin to me insisting that a hardcore metalhead would just LOVE the new Celine Dion. Hey...didn't she do an AC/CD song?