Glad you like I it. I have a few of them around my houses, I did pick one up from Mike about a year ago, same as yours. I also have the Mark II version. Not much of a difference unless in a DAC feeding it and speakers can show it, then it's just a bit more lower bass definition and better connection between bass and midrange. I wouldn't get a Rogue. Not same class as Luxman. If you like the Luxman, you ought to try Audio Research VSI75, probably the best bang for the buck in high end audio. Listening off side, like I do when I work, there is zero difference between Luxman L507uX and AR VSI75. But when you sit in the sweet spot, the depth of the imaging is day and hight. Literally day and night. This is why I generally keep Luxmans in my living rooms, kitchens, etc and I always keep Pass or AR gear in my main systems. I really want to try the c/m900 combo just to see if it compares to PASS/AR, but simply can't blow that kind of money right now. But the 507uX is a GEM. But seriously, if you want tubes, go for the AR VSI75. They can be had used for around $4000. And yes, the KT150s are a much better tube that the KT120s. It's the only new tube I feel blows Gold Lion KT88s and Amperex EL34s totally of out the water.