Going Tubing


I would like to introduce some tubes into my two channel set up.

I currently have a solid-state preamp and a solid-state power amp. (And a separate, hybrid tube phono stage.)

I am wondering, conceptually, staying with separates, if it would be better to switch the preamp to a tube preamp, or if it’s better to change the power ramp to a tube power amp. With “better” in this case I mean would have bigger impact on, for a lack of a better description, “tube sound.”

(I realize there are other considerations, such as having enough power to drive my speakers, but here I’m talking about conceptually, which part of these two audio chain components would have the most impact on the sound if switching one of them from ss to tube.)

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xbimmerlover

Like you I had a tube phono pre and wanted to find out what all the fuss was about. so I ordered a Bob Latino ST-70 Dynaco clone. I was shocked at how good it sounded. So It replaced a high $$$ SS amp. I have stepped up to 65 wpc now. My speakers are 93.5 db. However, considering @soix post, I wonder if the VTA ST-120 will work? You could call Dan, the new owner operator and get an opinion. Or, there is a CJ CT-5 preamp on USAM which was a top tier preamp just under the Act 2. Stereophile review said the CT-5 had better slam than the Act 2. Its known that the CT5 comes far to close to the Act 2 performance. The outcome, CJ upgraded the Act 2 to a version 2. The CT-5 never had a version 2 and IMO would be much better than the Black Ice.

Theres also a CJ LP 125SA which is 125 wpc for sale in your price range on USAM. I like to stick with an amp with 4 power tubes rather than 8 due to the cost of tubes. Then too, I don't need the wattage and not sure you do either. You have to make that call. Best of luck


Tubes4hifi vacuum tube amplifiers and kits

I started with a Lazarus tube preamp hooked up to my solid state Distech LS-2 amplifier.  It was a nice combo and improvement over my Hafler preamp, but once I added a refreshed Dynaco 70, followed by the VTA mods on the Dynacos later on, it was a different world. Can't imagine not having tubes in some capacity...so much midrange and treble magic! 


FWIW I drove my old Triton 1.r's with my VAC Renaissance 70/70 with ease. Sounded outstanding! Also FWIW it will be listed on The Music Room next if interested. Fresh from the VAC factory and very new tubes too.

I'm a big fan to tubes and in your case bimmerlover a preamp seems like a good place to start. A really good tubed preamp can be really transformative and a good SS amp will let that tubey goodness shine.

I have GE Triton 2’s which are similar at 91db and have had 3 different tube amps that easily drove the Tritons.  I prefer lower volume (50-80db) with a full meaty sound and had no issues with any of them.  Started out with a Jolida 1102 Integrated 20w el 84 based tubes.   Moved on to a Raven Blackhawk Integrated 20w 6l6 based tubes.  It had a much fuller sound and was just better in every way.  Now I have a Decware Torii Jr v2 20w amp with El34 tubes and it sounds incredible.  Waiting list for a new Decware is 3 years.  I waited 2 years for mine.  Sandy Gross, Goldenear’s founder/designer demos his speakers with an 8 watt set amp at trade shows with no issues.  Fyi- I also drive my Torii with a 6SN7 tube preamp which gives it additional gain.  Next I have a 8w 300b set amp being built and will be fun to see how that drives the Triton’s.  If not, I will  build some 94 db rear Horn speakers similar to Decware’s  DNA2’s.  Tuber for life with a rolling obsession!  Good luck with it all.