Gomez live?

I just bought tickets to Gomez here in West Michigan, Has anyone had a chance to see these guys live yet?

Whats your take on the band live compared to the awesome discs the have out>

You missed by a mile! Here is a quick blurb copied from Amazon.com.

Editorial Reviews
It can't be said enough: Gomez is probably the most unlikely name for a five British kids who worship Tom Waits and the Grateful Dead. But that's nothing compared to their sound, a growling brand of blues-rock that sounds like it originates on the Mississippi rather than the Thames. The group's previous album, 2002's In Our Gun, was all about experimenting in the studio. Split the Difference, then, is Gomez getting back on track. The band makes a decent attempt to revive the homemade feel of its early recordings, turning up at least two winners in "Extra Special" and "Sweet Virginia," but it seems like a compromise. While the three-part harmonies soar, a distinct lack on inspiration suggests the band would rather have another go at pushing buttons and name-checking Kraftwerk. "We Don't Know Where We're Going" seems to say it all. --Aidin Vaziri


Gomez is an eccentric cigar-smoking millionaire lawyer who lives in a spooky Victorian mansion with his slender wife, Morticia [née Frump]. When his wife, Morticia speaks the French language it drives Gomez crazy with desire. As Gomez would say "Tish!, when you speak French, it drives me wild, Cara Mia!" He would then grab her arm and plant a trail of kisses from her hand up to her waiting lips.