Good Matching Cartridge For Micro Seiki 505

I am looking for a really good matching cartridge for this 505 tonearm, output must be at least 1.0mv???
Let’s do the physics then. Since I don't know the effective mass of the MA505, let's take Halcro’s FR64s, which I believe has 20g effective mass. Then add an 8g headshell (e.g., Yamamoto boxwood), where most of the mass is quite far from the stylus and hence let’s guesstimate its contribution to the effective mass to be 6g. Then add a 6g cartridge like A&R P77, where again most of the mass is well towards the pivot and not right at the stylus, so we guesstimate its contribution to be about 5g. So now we’re at 31g total effective mass. Compliance is 20 and thus the resonance is 6.4Hz, which is fine. Even if we took the headshell & cartridge at full weight, we’d be at 6.1Hz, which is also fine. If you have a stable turntable & non-warped record, this should play fine.

Now switch a Koetsu Rosewood into the same headshell. Its weight is 9g and we can again guesstimate the contribution to be a bit lower at 7.5g, say. The compliance is 5 and thus the resonance is 12.5Hz, which is fine. Again, even if we take the headshell & cartridge at full weight, we’d be at 11.7Hz, which is again fine.


As he rightly this the world's only tonearm that allows VTF, VTA and antiskate all on-the-fly?

Reed 3P allows all these options plus the azymuth on the fly :) 
Reed 3P allows all these options plus the azymuth on the fly :)

I'm impressed....👏
@sampsa55, I didn't suggest that there's but one one specific effective mass cartridge that will work with any given pickup arm. A pickup arm will accept cartridges with a range of effective mass, and some pickup arms are more forgiving than others. But, there are limits. For example, you wouldn't want to put a Koetsu Black in an Infinity Black Widow arm.
I want to thank all who replied, I think I am gonna sell it and keep what I already have!!!