good preamp for dynaco mk3 monoblocks with maggies

Im new to HI-FI world and would appreaciate any advise. I need a good preamp while my Dynaco MK3's are being upgraded with new VTA boards and capacitors etc By Roy Mottram at

I have Magnepan SMGa's which i will be Gunning soon(bought the wood already:)) and I have Event20/20 studio monitors.
my room is not big about 12X14 and I dont listen to my music too loud..i like classical, vocal, instrumental.

I need a good preamp for around 1000$... I will be listening to digital source cds or from dac.

im looking at Audio research sp11 mk2 for sale for 1000$
parasound halo p3 for about 500$

what im using as a preamp now is a little dot mk2 headphone amp that has pre outs..i know its not the best but like i said im new to this..i love magnepan sound and i like tube sound..

remote is preffered but not critical..i would rather have better sound....

Im am looking at the promitheus signature tvc on their web site and I do not see price.
couldnt find it on audiogon for some reason.

how would it compare with reference TVC4? is it the same thing just in one box and shared input selector?

Also Im a bit confused...Signature TVC is Dual mono design and that means I would have to adjust input and volume separately for right and left channels right?..

It has one xlr input and 2 rca per I can have a balanced source, a cdp and a turntable with phono pre(or other source)

That is a very interesting recomendation. I see where it might benefit me using it with monoblock amps as it will be great separation between channels..
Zvovchik, It looks like the Promethius statement that was listed must have sold. I owned and used the TVC4 for about 4 years prior to buying the statement. As far as comparing the TVC4 and Statement, I would say the top end is more extended and airy in the statement. Cymbals, woodwinds etc are much more natural. Also, I seem to recall better localization of instruments and certainly more air around the instruments. The TVC reference 4 is a very good piece, and an excellent value. The statement pretty much gives you a bit more of everything, but they are cut from the same cloth.

I also used the Signature with Monoblock amps, and yes, you have a separate volume control on each channel. The volume controls and input selectors are top notch.
The Promethius website does not list the price of the signature. Nicholas used to make these special order only for repeat customers, so I was a little surprised to see it show up there at all.
I think I'm the guy who bought the Promethius that was listed on A-gon. This one has one volume pot, though as Brownsfan states I believe there is a model with two (they are stepped attenuators, so you can play with balance by counting the clicks, not a hard thing at all). I quite frankly bought it as a back-up for my Shindo preamp, in case anything were to go wrong with it, which did for a while when one of the output jacks in the Shindo lost contact, a common problem. I would echo everything Brownsfan said about it, particularly with respect to transparency. The Shindo is more dynamic and has a certain harmonic and timbral rightness about it (probably a coloration!) that the Promethius can't quite match, but for something that lists for way less than a tenth of the price of the Shindo I have been very impressed with the P:romethius, and don't feel I'm missing much at all when I use it in the system. An added bonus is that it works very well with long runs of interconnects, as I had used a friend's in my old system and it drove a 40 foot pair of unbalanced ICs with no problems. That both Brownsfan and I are keeping our units despite owning highly-regarded and much more expensive units should speak volumes as to how good this thing is. The price for a new one is, in my view, a bargain; just be prepared to wait a while to receive it if you order it new.
I appreciate everyones input. I have received my mk3's from Roy, and I will say they sound great. they are my first tube amps and I am sure not the last. I have been seriously looking into Promitheus Audio and I appreciate your honest advise.
They work with Vinyl right? with phono pre.. I want to get into vinyl..maybe a technics sl1200 mk2 for starters...but thats later.
again thanks.
Zvovchik, You can plug a phono pre into one of the RCA inputs on any of the Promitheus TVCs.

Rcprince, thanks for the comparison with the Shindo. The Promithius Signatures are just a crazy good value proposition. Nicholas really needs to establish a US distributor and give them an inventory to work with. These things would sell like hot cakes at 3x the price with a bit more exposure and easier access.