Good starter amp recommendation

Was lurking for a while, decided to post.

I have an old system with Energy RC-30 speakers and currently using a Denon x3400h to drive them. The system is used mostly 80/20 for music/movies, and uses an Energy RC-LCR center for movies.

Would like to add a simple 2/3 channel amp for around $1000 to improve the sound and was looking at some more recommendations. Want it to be a good part of the system, but since the speakers are pretty basic, don't look for anything too fancy, but good enough to upgrade the speakers later on.

Looking around the forum, the following is my short list:
van Alstine SET 120 or Synergy 240/3
Odyssey Khartago (or used Stratos)
Anthem PVA or MCA (used is all I can afford, probably)
Parasound A23

Would like to hear any suggestions.
The one suggestion that will make by far, nothing else even comes close, the biggest difference in sound quality, is to just totally drop all thought of multi-channel or Home Theater or anything even remotely suggestive of those. HT is a wasteland of crap, and dreck, and awfulness, none of which no matter how much money you throw at it is any good at all. If you have any doubt whatsoever I strongly urge you to go and listen and compare. Its not even close.

The next most important thing you can do, which I lied this one is almost equally important, is ignore everything everyone here says and go and listen and figure it out for yourself. Even me. Yes ignore me. Except when I say to go and listen.

That is all. 
I’ve got a pair of Energy RC-30 speakers and got great results with a humble NAD 3020i 30 WPC integrated amp at first. In stage II, I got another NAD integrated amp (3225PE) (40 WPC) and  bi-amped the same speakers - result was even better. Just goes to show how a really good audiophile amplifier can give great results. 

Next, stage III, I am replacing the integrated amps with a NAD 1600 preamp/ tuner and a pair of NAD 2700 amps in a vertical bi-amp setup with the same Energy RC-30 speakers. The second amp arrives this week, and I’m stoked! Will report the results ASAP. 

Stage IV will be Energy RC-70 speakers with the same amps and preamp. Just need to save up a few dollars.... 
B&K ST 140 ( the first version one with gold handles ...not later versions ). Sweet warm musical sound ...used onlt about $200-250.
Owned a B&K ST140 as mentioned above and agree it’s great little amp; they don’t get much simpler than this goes as far as parts go. Never owned a NAD 2700A but did the previous 2600A which not sure it changed much but feel the B&K was a much nicer amp; the 2600A was ok. Look inside a NAD 2700 and try to count the parts.

Back to the list the OP had. Never had the pleasure to listen to an Odyssey amp so can’t comment but they receive great press. Not a huge SS Anthem fan; much preferred the old SF tube Anthem gear. Van Alstine always good, and lastly for the money Parasound is hard to beat.

As mentioned earlier it’s always best to listen at home, but unlikely you have a friend or a store with every amp your interested in so it doesn’t hurt to ask. Buy used and right and if you don’t like resale. Part of the fun of this hobby is trying out lots of gear and often they’ll be equipment you will not like, and even if you like it today your taste may change later.