I removed everything except the base. I made an amateure attempt at painting them and that did not work out real well. I think they sound much better. The sock material is very thick so you can't see through the speaker. The only problem I have is that they are likely worthless now as far as sale dollars.
I don't even know how I would ship them. But I figured it was a fairly cheap experiment.
I had the standard shearwaters. I couldn't live with the tweeter. And they were very forward sounding. Not to mention, they don't look real good. I will say that I like the newer enclosures much better. Props to Meadowlark for not only staying in this country to build their newer line, but to making a better speaker also.
I thought about the Paradigm Studio 100's V3.
What is the cabinet like ? Is it real veneer ?
I had also thought about weighting down the 2c's because when I have someone stand on the bases, the sound tightens up a whole lot. So I think if you remove all of the poles and top and socks. If you could weight them down with something. They will be awesome. I was thinking about making a mold and constructing a platform of concrete. Anchor studs in the concrete to secure the speakers. They would sound amazing.