Got any of your dream system yet?

If you suddenly had enough money to build your dream system, would anything you own now be part of that system?

As you can see from my system, none of it would survive.
I would keep my amp. The rest would go. Maybe I'd give it to Slappy if he wanted it. What are the odds of both of our ships coming in at the same time?

Another good question might be, do you know what you'd buy if you had the chance to get it, or would you be starting from scratch?
I have learned that I could never predict what I keep for a long time. It largely depends on where new breakthrough equipment comes from. My Mana stands and my Omega Mikro pcs have been around longest.
If money was not an issue, I would still have the same transport and DAC. I would also have the same brand of IC and speaker cables just a wee bit further up the line. Other then that everything else would be gone or used in a second or third system :)