Granite and digital..

I'm thinking about making a homemade isolation platform for my cd player.What I was going to make whould be 2 slabs of 2 1/2" thick pieces of granite separated by a air bladder of some kind..There a lot of different isolation shells on the market but wasn't sure if granite is good for the over all sound.Any comments.
Like rhljazz, my experience with granite is that it sucks when it comes to digital units. I've continue to use wood shelves but I have built and acoustical shield for th fron of the unit so the energy flying around the room does not get to the unit.
Thanks for the reply...My mono blocks are on granite slabs.Do any of you guys think that this could be a cause of my current bass issues I have talked about in my other threads?The amps are very heavy but wasn't sure if granite can have an effect on the amps as well.
I agree fully with the first two posters that I have also found granite as a base to sound forward and edgy in comparison to wood or polycarbonate. Granite can be beautiful to look at under electronics, but can have negative sonic effects. Maple seems to be an affordable, attractive and good sounding surface to rest things on.
I think I might ask my friend to make me some maple stands.maybe put these on top of the granite with some sorbethan between them.I think I might do the same for the cd player but instead of using sorbethan maybee use a inter tube.