Great cd players that can connect directly to a power amp?

(Besides Wadia and Resolution Audio)
I'm sure the argument will never end between preamp and no preamp. I've used an Accuphase DP-75 with a world class passive preamp, with a CAT SL-1 Mark III (with simplified signal path--Balance and Tape Monitor switches out), and straight into a power amp. I noticed no improvement in dynamics with the CAT, but much lose of transparency and detail. My passive (Shallco switches, Holco resistors, Stealth internal wire, Kimber Ultraconnect RCA's,ladder attenuator type) sounded much better than the CAT, but not as good as the DP-75 straight in. I now switch cables between LP's and CD's, and keep the signal path for each as simple as I can--and I'd advise anyone else to do the same.
I don't own it, but a friend runs his Levinson #39 directly into his power amp and loves it. It has an analog volume control (very important).
OK>>>I well cast my vote for the wadia 861.Don,t underestamate the wadia, some may do some things better but the wadia does a great job on the whole job....
CAL Audio CL-15. It may not be the top choioce, but it's one of the cheapest (around $700 used).