Great cd players that can connect directly to a power amp?

(Besides Wadia and Resolution Audio)
Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 upsampling Player has subminiature tube analog output and remote control of volume. SUPERB SOUNDING!!
Theta Miles also has an analog volume control. One reviewer said he couldn't tell much differ3ence in sound with and without preamp and he had a very costly preamp. I don't recall what kind he had however. I have had the Theta Miles for a couple of months now but have not tried it without the preamp yet. I will try it soon but I don't expect any improvement in the sound. I am however interested to find out if it will hold its own against the preamp.
i just confirmed it from technics the DVD A-10 has a built in 5.1, pro logic, dd and DTS processor built in with volume control to compensate the apropriate ratios setup by the processor (user defined)