Great choral music on lp

Can anyone recommend some great choral music on LP. Not looking for requiems or opera just choruses of any genre but most likely classical.
Benjamin Britten's Rejoice in the Lamb and A Ceremony of Carols.  On Argo.
Agree with trytone on the Deccas--also EMI, which did a Vaughn Williams series that was excellent .  The Robert Shaw Chorale did some recordings on RCA in the early stereo era, I have Deep River, a very good record of spirituals, as well as The Many Moods of Christmas, one of my favorite holiday albums.  John Rutter's earliest records on Collegium were on vinyl (his Gloria and the Faure Requiem, as well as English folk songs and madrigals).  And I think that Priory, which mainly recorded organs, also did a number of church choirs. You might also look for Gothic Records, which has a catalog and may still have vinyl in its inventory.
If you ever see any of the ARK Records label LP’s for sale, buy ’em all! They are recordings of amateur (but good) Minneapolis-area church choirs and organists made by speaker designer Robert Fulton in the 1970’s. The sound quality of those recordings is absolutely astonishing; liquidly-transparent, superb inner detail (each individual voice in the choir audible), natural organic timbre and texture, and VERY wide band---the shudder of the low bass pedals of the cathedral pipe organs will pressurize your listening room!
The usual suspects on vinyl-Vintage offerings from Decca labels(Decca/London, Argo, Oiseau Lyre).
Not exactly what you may be seeking, but I recommend you check out Die Singphoniker, a six-voice all male group.  I've got several of their CD's which include discs dedicated to the likes of Haydn, Schubert, Mendelssohn, etc. Here's a link to one of their CD's on Amazon:

You can also view/listen to their YouTube offerings.
Robert Shaw, and his Atlanta based singers, is the guy you want, but I am not sure about LP.

Check out 'Choral Masterpieces' on Amazon.   And anything else by Shaw.   It will give you titles to look for.

Well choral by convention means classical. Or is it chorale? Lol! Whatever. Throw in "of any genre" and you're more a capella, which some I like are Jennifer Warnes A Singer Must Die (Famous Blue Raincoat), and Paul Simon, Under African Skies (Graceland) although fabulous singing probably gets instrumental in there somewhere.