@ fuzztone Just curious, who did you study under?
Mrs. See. Later Mr. Horwath.
Don’t want to waste bandwidth by starting a flamewar but ...
Saw Horowitz once. He always set aside a number of seats for students at discounted price. And they were good seats like center third row. Not nosebleed section. Phenomenal tone. No matter how loud he played and he did play loud the tone never never ever broke up or even a hint of breaking up. That said his technical perfection left me cold emotionally. Or maybe I don’t connect with Scriabin. But his recording of pictures is great. The end is terrifying.
Saw Arrau twice. Sorry trolls but yawn.
Ashkenazy. xlnt. Heard him at a matinee then drove across town to see Jarrett who was in his imperious phase. No coughing. No shuffling. No nuttin’. He’s mellowed.
Argerich and Pollini a step above. Pollini would play it completely differently in performance than practice. It was the inspiration of the moment.
You don’t think it can get better then comes Trifonov. He caresses each individual note as if it’s his personal friend. Usually a long gap in time before the next best of their generation by definition. Surprise! Along comes Dovgan. Other posters mentioned Sokolov. Yes! And he said of Dovgan, she is not a child prodigy. Meaning Pallas Athena sprung fully formed from the head of Zeus.
Zimerman skates up to the edge, but he never goes over.
Excited to explore the many names posted that are new to me.