GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week

I was just informed that Coda's brand new model #16, which is based on the latest generation of improvements used in the #8, will be arriving later this week for review for The Stereo Times website.  Since the reviews I have done on the #8 amplifier and the 07x preamplifier, I have received numerous inquires when I'll get this piece in for review.

This beast of an amplifier, over hundred pounds with one of the largest power supplies in a single chassis design on the market, delivers 100 Class A before it crosses over into A/B. The Coda #8, is in my opinion, one of the best SS amps on the market for under ten grand.  I expect, based on the run Coda is on with their new generation of gear, that the #16 will be a beautiful musical performer.  We shall see! I still find it amazing based on build quality/performance that Coda's prices are so damn reasonable.  Yes, the #16 will retail for around 12K, not inexpensive.  However, I guarantee if this amplifier was manufactured by other high-end American or European companies it would be triple the price. If the #16 takes the already superlative performance of the #8 to another level, it will be truly a "killer" of an amplifier. 

Hey teajay,
Have you ever listened to Coda Tm Monos V2 that i have with the 07x which im still waiting for. Or compared them with another amp.Think the Tm have the same guts as the 16.

Yesterday, the owner of a great store in the Chicago land area, Toska Audio, and his wife came over to hear the system being powered by the Coda 07x and #16 combo.  

Pete at heart is really a "tube" guy, he wants liquidity, warmth, and full bodied imaging.  Pat his wife is a great listener who is quite sensitive to even the slightest "brightness/harshness" at all really enjoyed themselves listening to different genres of music.  Pete said if it was not for how quiet the system was along with power full bass extension and overall dynamics he would had believed that this was a totally tube based system.

The Coda #16 and the 07x preamp are very special pieces, indeed!
Because of reviewing a new piece of gear that is balanced, I changed out my loom of RCA interconnects and went to a full loom of XLR cables because the Coda 07x preamplifier and the #16 are true balanced designs.

The system sounded great being run single-ended.  However, by running the #16 balanced, it's overall macro-dynamics and its already vanishing noise floor became even more non-existent!

Question: Anyone reading this, have any of you heard the #16, if so what was your take on this amplifier 

Pretty lightweight amp for 100W pure class A! I want to hear this amp, I wonder how it compares to a pair of Pass Labs XA100.8, at over half the weight, and half the price! 😁
Hey d2girls,

Don't really know what you mean by "lightweight", the #16 has a much bigger power supply then the Pass Labs amps you mention.  I have heard the wonderful Pass Labs amps and the Coda performs at that level and does some things better for a lot less money.

I'll get into those details when I write the review.