It's more than just having a dirty lp. The record cleaning machines get rid of the static, cleaning up the playback noticably. With your 450 lps I would definately purchase a decent lp cleaner. The sleeves seem to produce static electricity no matter how good they are. I knife out two ends of my sleeves so that the lp does not need to rub when I take it out. Instead I open the sleeve. Reduces static. The ZeroDust gun only seems to only partially help with the lp static. I also use a Staticmaster brush (rather ancient device that still works after 25 years) to rid the lp of static. I would like to hear your ideas about this static issue.
John (sit)
It's more than just having a dirty lp. The record cleaning machines get rid of the static, cleaning up the playback noticably. With your 450 lps I would definately purchase a decent lp cleaner. The sleeves seem to produce static electricity no matter how good they are. I knife out two ends of my sleeves so that the lp does not need to rub when I take it out. Instead I open the sleeve. Reduces static. The ZeroDust gun only seems to only partially help with the lp static. I also use a Staticmaster brush (rather ancient device that still works after 25 years) to rid the lp of static. I would like to hear your ideas about this static issue.
John (sit)