Grounding with a Earth box?

OK so help be understand something.   I understand the value of grounding equipment, but what is the value of having a woodbox with salt, earth, minerals etc  do for grounding?  How is supposed to work or be better?

mahgister did not pay 1600.00 for the rocks.. LOL 

FOR PEANUTS... My man... Love his approach.. the 1600. usd crew, got my goat a little bit..

I have auditioned grounding units, though not the one you reference.
I listened to the CAD ground control at Audioconnection, and both I and ctsooner noticed a significant change in the background. It just seemed 'blacker', and you could make out subtle details in the music that you didn't notice without the CAD.
I, for one, don't put a lot of faith/money on these things, but I have to believe my ears when they do make a change for the better.
I use the synergistic Research active grounding box.  When it was accidentally switched off the other day (very tiny light) I spent the day wondering why everything sounded flat...the 'life' seemed to be missing.

MC gives a very plausible explanation.  More importantly, his point of criticism without experience being foolish, is wholeheartedly endorsed.  I don't mind when there is humour, but those who 'know everything' without 'trying anything' are a pain. 
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