Gunk will not clean off LP ?

I purchased a used Jimmy Smith LP that is absolutely scratch free but had an extremely dull shine to the vinyl. I clean all LPs with a VPI 16.5 RCM and Disc Doctor before play and that has always brought back the original shine to the Vinyl. This time it did not come back to shine and on playback sounds like the LP had been treated with something that did not come off in cleaning. After 2 cleanings it appears there still is some sort of treatment that had been applied and did not come off. It’s a great album but I am afraid to play it because whatever it is I don’t want it to gunk up my stylus. Any ideas on how to clean it off? Thanks Bill
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Alcohol alone is not an aggressive solvent and will undoubtedly not do a good job unless a good surfactant in sufficient volume is present in your cleaning solution.

For the record Freon is Dupont's trade name for a group of chemicals; it is not a single product. The base chemical is trichlorotrifloroethane. It is blended with other solvents such as acetone, IPA, etc. for use in cleaning and refrigeration applications.
You are right. Alcohol is not aggressive enough and did little to nothing. Since I have experienced this only once in the hundreds I have bought I think for now I do not want to go through a lot of trouble gathering additional cleaning products. Disc Doctor has been great on every other LP. I will set this one aside for now and if it becomes a more common occurrence then I will revisit this thread and try some of your great suggestions .Thanks for all the answers, Bill