Hall of Shame

What is the worst, most overpriced, hyped, bad-sounding audiophile gear out there. Your bets please.
Just a thought.
Over whatever you have to do, even if it be very urgent and demands great care, I would not have you argue or be agitated. For rest assured, everything you do, be it great or small, is but one-eighth of the problem, whereas to keep one's state undisturbed even if thereby one should fail to accomplish the task, is the other seven-eighths. So if you are busy at some task and wish to do it perfectly, try to accomplish it- which as I said would be one-eighth of the problem, and at the same time to preserve your state unharmed-which constitutes seven-eighths. If however, in order to accomplish your task you would inevitably be carried away and harm yourself or another by arguing with him, you should not lose seven for the sake of preserving one-eighth.-Early Fathers from the Philokalia
If everyone followed your advice, Makersmark, (and I do not find fault with it in any way, respecting even your point of view w/re cd players), this website would wither away and die.
makersmark, i think you're *close* w/your comment about cd-players, but i'd up the ante to, say $200, mebbe a bit more if ya want a cd *changer*... of course, this is only accurate if you're using a modded art d/io dac, which will set you back $300-$500, depending on whether you can weild a soldering iron, or have to pay someone else to do the mods... ;~)

doug s.

Not really. Anyone can express their opinion. But you don't have to express an opposing opinion by crucifying someone else for theirs or getting into an arguement with them.
I don't enjoy CD players. I'm also aware that many people love their CD players. I wish I did, it would make buying music much easier. I'm not going to argue with them and tell them they are idiot's for liking them. My daughter gets great joy out of her CD player. She hops around the house dancing and singing to her music and I couldn't be happier for her.
There is room enough for everybody and everybodies opinion. The more the merrier. Everybody is invited to the party. Lets have some fun and enjoy some music.
Sedond I'm not familiar with the piece you're talking about . I'm definitely open minded about this Cd thing. I would love to hear a CD player that was moderately priced that sounded good. Is that the art d/io or d/10? Where can I find out more about it? Thanks for your help.