Harbeth SLH5 plus. Top or bottom binding post?

When using standard speaker cables (not biwired) should you use top or bottom binding posts on speakers?  Speaker is Harbeth SLH5 plus.


Thanks for posting the Chord recommendation which is exactly what I described above.  Chord even used the same word "coherent" to describe the sonic benefits of this type of wiring.  Funny!
Ran into Bill Low recently and he said when single wiring with jumpers it CAN matter which post you use…who knew? Bill knew (!)…My previous speakers were single wired due to the designer's recommendation (Alan Yun, Silverline Prelude speakers), and my current Sonist Recitals are biwired per design recommendation…with speaker cables recommended by Bill during that conversation (apparently single biwire cables should have disparate runs to deal with isolation benefits…he was right again!). Coherency all around. Note that I made a pair of what I thought were groovy "better than stock" jumpers for the Preludes, and they sucked. The supplied brass strips sounded better.
Wolfman, Bill is also outspoken on wire directionality. Could you be next? Hmmmmm....
Thanks for the recommendations.

I have now tried using just the bottom posts, and the diagonal suggestion.  Seems to me that just using the bottom posts I get the best results.  Fuller more natural sounding.......

Thanks again.
Yes, there are no hard and fast rules on how you want to connect the cables to the bi-wirable binding posts. The best configuration is the one that sounds best to your ears and preference.

Yashu, may I ask what speaker cables are you using with the SHL5 Plus? Are you using the stock metal links that come together with the speakers or they have been replaced with aftermarket jumpers?