"Hardly Used / Less than 100 Hours / Took out for pics only"????

I'm constantly baffled and confused by the number of ads I read that say the item for sale has barely been used.  

I try not to be distrustful, but I feel like you're either in this hobby or you're not.  There's nothing more fun than the anticipation of a new piece of gear and what it might do to your system! 

If you have a piece of equipment, why wouldn't you set it up and give it a couple of months.  We all know that it takes awhile for the item to break in, or for your ears to adjust.  

Dealers aside, why would anyone in this hobby own something that has less than 100 hours on it?


[@bigtwin]"If equipment is used 5 days per week, for two hours per day, only gets 120 hours use in 6 months. I have sold equipment in 6 months. Not often but it happens."


I see what you did there.

What bothers me more is "just taken out for photos?   If it also says no returns or untested then beware 

I purchased a phono preamp with the idea that I would digitize my records. After a few sessions, I realized that the exercise was too much work for me. That preamp was no longer needed. 

Got an FM stereo tuner unopened in original box with shrink wrap. A well-regarded DAC used for only two weeks while the big unit with nine inputs was in for warranty repair. An integrated amp that, likewise, served only brief interim duty. One day I will sell or trade them, or maybe work them into one of my two systems. In any case it will be quite true that they are barely (or in one instance, never) used. 

I just bought a Micro Benz Ruby that I've wanted to try for years. Decided after less than 15 hours it's not my cartridge and I prefer my Dynavector Dv-XX2 more. The Benz will be up for sale for a quick loss.  Sometimes you know yourself and realize there's no point in hanging on with hope.