Harmony Remote Control

I was all set to pick up a Harmony 880 remote to simplify my HT system, but read a whole lot of negative reviews. Comments like cheap construction, faulty connection to the docking station and tiny buttons scared me away. For those of you who have this or another HT remote, can you share your experiences? Are these complaints nit picking or for real? Is there a remote out there that is better?
I use the Universal Remote - the previous version of the RF20

$100 at target, probably could be found for cheaper: http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html?asin=B000FL9E6K

It has a very solid feel and build, firm and easy to find/use buttons in dark, controls 10 devices, learning mode, and an optional RF transmitter. I currently control my Panasonic plasma, DVDO scaler, Velodyne sub, Cary HT Pre, Supratek analog preamp volume, and Onkyo cd/dvd/sacd player. I can be standing in another room and run all of these with the RF transmitter.

It does not have a fancy color screen, touch controls, or a computer interface, which is fine with me.

I've never used a logitech once, but they always struck me as flimsy and cluttered with buttons.
The new Harmony One...replaces 880 and is revised for an overall better functioning/easier to use remote.
I have the Harmony one and it works flawlessly.
A friend of mine had a 880 which I found "flimsy and cluttered with buttons" but the One is well designed, feel solid and is easy to setup.
How does the Harmony One compare with some of Universal's offerings? It seems as though the One definitely improves some of the shortcomings of the 880, but I'm not convinced that it has completely gotten away from the LCD/small button thing. Or am I wrong about that?

I have a Harmony 880 which I use for the audio system and a Harmony 1000 for the home theater. I am mostly satisfied; I do prefer real buttons to the touchscreen but I can use the touchscreen without turning up the lights and finding my glasses! I can't get either to properly control my Sony SCD-777ES, which is weird because the 880 used to control it just fine. I would recommend buying a Harmony if you don't have a Macintosh computer; if you can't get it working fine within two hours go get your money back. Otherwise I think you will love it.