Harsh Transport

In a second system I have a Denon dm380 cd changer as a transport with a Bel Canto 2 dac doing the D A duties. Lately the music has been sounding harsh and dull at certain points. High frequencies especially are starting to sound really strained. Is it the Denon? I'd like to keep a changer in this system. Are there better changers to use as a transport. This set up sounded very good for a long time,then all of a sudden this. Wire I'm using is Shuntata Aries rca's and Stereovox digital. This does not happen with any other disk players I have. Thanks for the help.
In my recent experience, hard drive based audio seems far superior to any low to moderately priced transport. I have yet to be able to test against a really high end dedicated transport, but how many people are interested in spending $5000+ for a unit without a DAC when you can get a Mac Mini for $600?

The sound from my pc is much more liquid and realistic, and lacks much of the edge I am used to with digital. Plus if you are a changer fan for convenience, a pc allows you unlimited access to your music without ever getting out of your chair.

Just my 2 cents.
Well Guy's it would seem that my problem with the sound of my CDP was the fault of one of my son's.(Both grown men). The youngest one brought one of his girls over to watch dads HT. While showing off to said strumpet he went into the on screen menu and started messing around (Anthem avm30)He dumped a lot of extra signal into the cd inputs causing the distortion. He changed a few other things too. Everything is back to what it should be, but he has been banned from the Home Theater room. His mom thinks I'm being to rough on her little darling. Kid's, geez.
Funny! We were all set to help you replace it -- which shows that if you go to a surgeon, they're going to recommend surgery.