Has anybody tried the BPT-9 powercord?

I read that the LITZ config delivers the best power, other cord companies don't use this config. I would think that this cord would work great on a Power conditioner.
I was not very impressed using it on my BPT 3.5 sig, lacks resolution compared to other PCs I've tried.
Thanks Sns, not much said about this cord except for 6moons on the L-10. The construction of this cord is interesting, I was hoping to find a sleeper for my power conditioner. I tried a few cords but I always go back to the Flavor 4 with Gold connectors.
Jimman...try this... Take your power condition out of the system, and listen again. You can always put it back...just try it. I never met a power conditioner that didn't screw up the sound somehow.
Jinman, the Flavor 4 is a very nice cord. I use the AirSine on my PLC, very good cord if you can stretch the budget.