Has anyone actually heard the Dali Epikore 11? Impressions welcome.

I don't get to audio shows often but once long ago I had heard the Dali Helicon 400 and it was truly amazing. Has anyone out there in audio land actually heard the Dali Epikore 11. It looks impressive for the price.

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I had the opportunity to hear the Epikore 11 last week.  They are very musical, present an enormous soundstage, instrument and voice detail is second to none.  I can't say enough good about them!

Currently I own Dali Epicon 8s, and find they possess many of the same qualities, Epikore 11 is a leap forward for Dali.  I'm not sure they'll ever fit my budget, but would definitlely love to own a pair of Epikore 11s!

I went back and listened to the epikore 11 and the shop had an affordable, average powered integrated amp and dynamics did sound less impressive than previous visits.

Old thread, but I heard them at a shop in San Diego.  I was very impressed.  Had top end electronics in a large room.  Simply amazing.  One of the top systems I have ever heard - the type that you remember.  I only listened to one song, which was Deep Within The Corners of My Mind, so I can't comment on how they would sound with other genres.  

These might be my end game.  I would have to cash out on some of my investments to make it happen.  I'm in really good shape there but does not mean my wife will let it happen.  To be fair, she has been very supportive of my spending in this expensive hobby over the years.    I'm also looking at the Rosso Fioretino Arno 40.  I will want to hear both before making a decision.  I would also like to try the Spender Classic 200TI.