Has Anyone Auditioned an LKS MH-DA004 DAC?

Seems like a lot of DAC for the money.  ($1450-$1600)
@melm  what other dacs do you have experience with?  Please share your comparisons based on your experience.  Thanks.
"what other dacs do you have experience with? Please share your comparisons based on your experience. Thanks."

Almost none.  I am mostly into analog.*  The only other DAC I have owned is a Lavry DAC a while back.  If you want comparisons write to Stereophile; I am not a reviewer.  I have tried hard not to overstate my credentials.  I just took a look at what this thing has inside, read what some others have said, thought it should be good and took my chances,  I can't really compare as I've not had any digital that is close.  It's closer to my analog--with the usual digital advantages.  You couldn't pay me to sit down and compare a bunch of DACs. I'm not trying to sell anything.

*Though this LKS has me trying out old CDs the way my then new phono pre had me trying out old records.  I don't think I did that, to this extent, with other digital changes.

From Ric Schultz on the WBF:

My friend in Pocoima has a modified Yggdrasil and recently received the LKS MH-DA004 DAC ($1600 delivered from China). The completely stock stone cold out of the box LKS DAC was better in almost every way. Now he has modified the LKS (per my instructions) and feels the LKS sounds as good (playing 16/44 through Beatis server, through coax, through modified IFI spdif Ipurifier) as his $20,000 turntable system. Does this mean the LKS with mods would be better than Berkeley or DCS? 

The LKS DAC has I2S input, plays DSD up to 512, has digital volume control and 7 selectable digital filters.....completely discrete output stage, discrete shunt regulators for output stage and is the first and only DAC in the world that I know of that has two ESS 9038 DACs in parallel.

One thing here no matter how much anyone mods the unit and all the Hype 
Which everything is subjective .the saber chips yes even their new ines have a distinct personality detailed and for me a bit bold. 
There a re a bunch of Very good dac s out there a. The new Totally custom 
architecture fro PS audio Direct stream  is in that $10k class  can be bought for around $4k 
and modular just had a Big firmware upgrade. Playback designs is like  their big brother similar sonics in many respects . The tube Lascala dac is Excellent as well as Lamizator,and many others.
that being said some people donot  want a analog sound if their equipment ,
cables,or speakers are a bit laid back this dac Rick mods may be perfect.
there is nothing perfect that suits everyone. Everything is system dependent 
System Synergy means everything . I am working on a 3-4  USB  cable comparison  for anyone to even think a cable is a cable is total out of touch .1010
arejust bits timing accuracy, and yes metals used effect everything to some point.
even with digital .a $20 monster cable  although very well engineered lacks many qualitys a reference cable can  only bring .quality of parts  just as in the dac .
It will be good to see the results on this dac , and key what equipment and cables used .i totally dislike a comment best of best .with no indication what you used to make this statement.
From the EVS site:

5-15-2016: I have a friend in Pocoima who has one of these and we have been tweaking them at the same time. He has a great turntable system ($20,000 worth) and he says that playing 16/44 from his Beatis server through coax and then through modified IFI spdif Ipurifier and then through modded LKS is at least as good as his turntable system!! No upsampling....nada....just great sound.

Hardly unbiased, as it is by or about the guy that did the mods.

Not saying the DAC is bad, but consider carefully the source of all these comments.

Does seems odd to me that a Baetis server (~$4-5K, and nice but nothing special, you can build the same or better at home for ~$2K, I did <look online for the photos of Baetis servers that have been taken apart, very revealing> ) is used to feed a $1500 DAC. And a "modded iFi unit"? Whatever......

My opinion, I sincerely doubt this would be better than a Berkeley or DCS DAC. Not in the same league at all. Not likely to find a real comparison either, as I see the owners’ of these DACS to be mutually exclusive. And no real reviewer is likely going to write-up a DAC handled by the DIY crowd, for obvious reasons.

That said, I’m still interested in the DAC and finding unbiased objective reviews or comments on the unmodded unit from sources that are not part of the DIY crowd and from someone with sufficient listening experience to make meaningful comparisons with other DACs.