Has anyone heard a DNA-1 with the Gravity Base upgrade?

I'm thinking of having my DNA-1 upgraded with the Gravity Base system; has anyone heard it?  What are your thoughts?  There's not much online about it yet; I'm a big fan of Steve McCormack's work, but would like to hear from experienced listeners.
McCormack DNA-1 or (better) DNA-1 Plus - yes

Pillartech Gravity Base - why?  Do you really think it's going to make a substantial difference?

My advice: buy a nice piece of end-grain maple butcher block to fit under the amp and use the rest of the budget to buy a ton of LPs or a lifetime subscription to the streaming service of your choice.
@br3098 thanks for your response; I didn't realize I was unclear.  I was referring to McCormack Audio's Gravity Base System upgrade, which involves taking apart the amp and integrating the electronics with a brass base in a specific way.  I had never heard of the Pillartech approach, but from their website it appears to be just a more rigid rack on which to place the amp.
From the absence of replies, it looks like you're not the only one.  C'mon, Goners, nobody's heard one of these yet?  Crickets...