Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?

The new versions are called X-10s and the amp is on its third version or Mark III. This truly provides holograph imagine unlike anything I've heard before. On symphonic orchestras, one can hear the first violins. I have never heard an amp sound this precise.

In reality, I doubt if any amplifier can rival it. I certainly have never heard any that do so. Every album is so involving.

The preamp has yet to get a remote but is nevertheless, quite striking.
Roger wrote,

"Because we are talking apples and oranges. Reed Solomon does absolutely nothing in the analog world. It only deals with on/off. I was afraid to use the term "jitter" when describing my work but I thought it might trigger some kinship to the concept of tiny amounts of interference or disturbance. This is why I prefaced it with the term "analog". I realize it is probably an oxymoron since jitter is deviation or displacement of a pulse in a digital signal. It may only have added some confusion to the correction process I use which is 100% analog and also lives in the nano scale."

Yes, jitter is a term used in the digital world. Maybe you can use the analogy of the electron microscope and trying to take a clear photo of the subject under view. Without vibration isolation you would only see a blur. And extending this analogy (get it, analogy?) a little further, it was actually a microscope vibration isolation stand that was pressed into service as the first highly touted audiophile vibration isolation stand. The Vibraplane. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. In any case, I’m afraid vibration isolation has been around with us in this hobby for at least twenty years. Maybe your amp would run more perfectly if you isolated it or is it immune?
Geoffkait, I think it is disingenuous of you to talk about measurement as much as you do, as I doubt you have ever had any measurement of any of you products. 

I do agree that measurements would be great for valid concepts, but I know THD is invalid.

But enough of this endless palaver. Listen to the amp, before you get any reading of what you write. 

Maybe your amp would run more perfectly if you isolated it or is it immune?

Actually it is not immune - as tbg pointed out he was able to deal with some vibrations affecting the amp in his system.
Tbg wrote,

"Geoffkait, I think it is disingenuous of you to talk about measurement as much as you do, as I doubt you have ever had any measurement of any of you products."

Bold move, Tbg. I discuss meaurements on this thread because that happens to be the subject of conversation. Roger initiated the discussion by continuing to state that his amp behaves quantum mechanically or in the nano scale realm thus cannot be measured. I am simply pointing out the illogic of that claim. With me so far? Now, whether I perform measurements on my products or not is rather irrelevant to this discussion, no? By the way, if you don’t mind my asking too much, are you a mind reader? How would you know whether I perform ANY measurements on ANY of my products or not? Are you Carnac the Magnificent? 

no goats, no glory

Roger wrote,

"geoffkait: Maybe your amp would run more perfectly if you isolated it or is it immune?

Actually it is not immune - as tbg pointed out he was able to deal with some vibrations affecting the amp in his system."

Actually, and I hope I'm not being too picky, but Tbg is using mechanical coupling - not isolation, at least in the strict sense of the word, to deal with vibrations. I already mentioned somewhere along the line that coupling doesn’t isolate the amp from seismic or other structureborne vibrations, at least not nearly to the extent that mass-on-spring isolation devices are capable of. You definitely won’t see LIGO using mechanical coupling in their gravity wave detection experiment for isolating the sensitive optics, etc. LIGO relies very heavily on isolation of many types and stages to achieve the extreme sensitivity required to actually observe gravity waves, which I already pointed out have the amplitude of the diameter of a neutron. How sensitive is the experiment? It’s so sensitive that the noise of atoms moving in the sapphire thread used to support and isolate one of the mirrors is an issue. And we know that the tonearm, cartridge and tonearm wiring, just for example, have resonant frequencies Circa 10-12 Hz. So any vibrations of that frequency range coming up through the couplers will excite those resonant frequencies, no?