Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?

The new versions are called X-10s and the amp is on its third version or Mark III. This truly provides holograph imagine unlike anything I've heard before. On symphonic orchestras, one can hear the first violins. I have never heard an amp sound this precise.

In reality, I doubt if any amplifier can rival it. I certainly have never heard any that do so. Every album is so involving.

The preamp has yet to get a remote but is nevertheless, quite striking.
gdhal, I'm sorry to have misdirected this thread and that the lack of science means that nothing can be proven to be correct on vibrations or even on Roger's amp. 

All that matters to me is what I'm hearing. I am hearing reproductions of performances that are thrillingly real. Tomorrow I will get my improved music server back and will enjoy the convenience. But I have been enjoying going back to my three thousand LPs and pulling out old favorites and hearing them as I never did before. Even the old Sheffield Missing Link is enjoyable and realistic.
What's up with all the Lack of Science comments?  Am I missing something? In the first place it's a rather easy experiment to conduct, putting a glass filled with water on the surface of the iso platform and visually observing the absence of ripples on the surface of the water compared to the case of the glass of water without isolation. Of you are really curious which I actually doubt you can always use an accelerometer.  Isolation is a lot like the weather.  Everyone complains about it but nobody does anything about it. The same folks that complain about lack of science seem to be waiting for someone else to investigate this whole thing.
Thanks G, next time I need still water I know what to use!
So sorry you have missed the whole point. AGAIN!!!
Sorrier that knowledgable friends are wasting there time trying to help when you are just trying to be obtuse. or worse, you ARE that obtuse!
I hope you will troll on other sights and not understand anything there.
Please Take your dumb troll friends with you.
To those interested in H-cat, I hope you realize soon... that any further communication with trolls is a waste of time, they feed on responses.
Please don't feed the trolls!!!

Ddough wrote,

"Thanks G, next time I need still water I know what to use!
So sorry you have missed the whole point. AGAIN!!!
Sorrier that knowledgable friends are wasting there time trying to help when you are just trying to be obtuse. or worse, you ARE that obtuse!
I hope you will troll on other sights and not understand anything there.
Please Take your dumb troll friends with you.
To those interested in H-cat, I hope you realize soon... that any further communication with trolls is a waste of time, they feed on responses.
Please don’t feed the trolls!!!"

That’s real good, ddough. If you don’t mind too much can I suggest you consider taking a remedial English course. You may carry on with your shilling, now. Have a nice day.