Sorry. Yet another example of just because someone is good at one thing does not make them good at another.
Springs are better. Not "may be". Are. So first of all look under your subs at the factory feet. They are probably screwed on. If not then you are screwed. But if they are screwed, first simply remove the factory feet. Drill and tap Nobsound. Or drill and nut. Or if not threaded you still are not screwed, here is where you can use your Blu-Tac or hot glue or silicone, any semi-permanent fastener.
More semi-permanent fastener on the springs. A third dose on the bottoms, to fasten plastic furniture gliders on the bottom of the Nobsound. Done. For $35 all-in. Maybe less. Shop around, there are slightly different versions of Nobsound find the best ones for your situation.