Has there been any inexpensive item that enhanced your system's sound?

For me it was an inexpensive power cord that was laying around for years, a Pangea AC9.  I have it connected to my Yamaha A S2000.  I've tried the stock cord on the Yamaha and then some of my other cords, (Wireworld, VH Flavor 4, Acronlink/Oyaide custom cord and a MAC). I've had lots of amps and integrated amps over the years, and this is the first time the Pangea contributed to making better sound. It surprised me because I had tossed it aside and forgot about it.  Power cord performance is such a crap-shoot and dependent on so many other variables in the audio chain.  Any inexpensive item you've come across that enhanced your system's sound? 
In a few months, put that Pangea back on the Yamaha, and hey presto! another cheap - actually, free! - tweak.

Funny acastos! I have tried most of the power cords I own on the Yamaha integrated. Thought the inexpensive Pangea sounded good. In the end, the sound of my speakers became veiled, lacked transparency and a sense of air in the music. I am shocked that the cheap iron lung jellyfish solved all of that. After years of owning audio systems, I learned some things that work are unexpected and there is no accounting for them. Synergy can sometimes surprise you.
Resurrecting an old thread: 

The inexpensive JW Audio Cryo Nova speaker cables I've had for years and tried again have definitely improved the sound of my Klipsch speakers. 
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