Has to be said

i been reading most sites and the little arguments about this and that about making audio in this case be more pleasent ot better to any individual. and have to say upfront that if "you" believe its better to you than it is in fact true to you and you only. we are just reletive respondants to each other and therefore nature and the universe.
many of the subjects that come up as to improving ones audio system tend to go into little details that may or may not have "real" affects on most of us. and also be provable with phsics,math,medical studies etc.many musicians and many humans can distinguish alot of these aspects. and they are ALL quantifiable and measureable very easilly. from 1800 till today FFT and resonance,sound perfiliration has been well adjustable from the totally acoustic pipe organs to the music halls 100s of years ago with out electronic fixes, and all these new snake oil gagets on the market. many are always big commenters here on this site.
Its totally true you can "fix" and sound wave with free rocks,walls,chambers, etc. so go for it at a cost of zero dollars. and adbandon all these marketing hacks.
Ive been well into sound,RF,Radioation, Electron manulipation, Audio,phsics etc all my life and all my relatives aslso . I dont need to justify my opinions yet am dignified by holding 8 international patents,2 doctrets and my dad with similar fields.
one crazy obvious thing no one even bothers to mention is the way off standard of 440hz shifted 8hz the earths standard resonance. while all the 1000s of years 432hz was based on real natural happenings before electronics. dont you all care everything you listen to is 8hz off tune and therefore wrong, but you will bicker about a few microvolts noise from an ocslittating wire with parallell wire  hanging off a standoff. itf too funny to me.
yes all digital except one source tunes their DAC math to 435hz to be more correct to Verdi and other great composers.
ive got tuning forks over the audio and above spectrum and tune my panios violins etc to them 432 hz
and need to say again. yes please do everything Analoge
to correct your sound system, its been done in churches,music halls,the great pyrmids, with instruments themselves.
but do not chase the rabbit down the money hole to fix apparent physhoacoustics in your listening area.

ps the spelling and writing is horrid cause ive got a brain injury2 years ago and under go EEG,ehthesographs and neuro studies constantly. where various frequency sweeps are put thru me and studied by the medical and commercial fields.
Im off for now to play my bass thru 50000watts total. and resonate the neighborhood at 8.2 HZ....

440hz shifted 8hz the earths standard resonance. while all the 1000s of years 432hz was based on real natural happenings before electronics. dont you all care everything you listen to is 8hz off tune and therefore wrong, but you will bicker about a few microvolts noise from an ocslittating wire with parallell wire hanging off a standoff. itf too funny to me.
yes all digital except one source tunes their DAC math to 435hz to be more correct to Verdi and other great composers. 
ive got tuning forks over the audio and above spectrum and tune my panios violins etc to them 432 hz 
and need to say again. yes please do everything Analoge
to correct your sound system, its been done in churches,music halls,the great pyrmids, with instruments themselves.

Fascinating. If its the planet then we're talking millions/billions not thousands, but that only makes your point even stronger. But what exactly is this resonance you're talking about? I'm with you, but what is it?
Hello hemigreg, 
I would like to say that, brain injury aside, you make more sense than some here and your opinion is most welcome. I'd love to have read your thoughts and musings prior to your misfortune but take solace and rejoice in that you still make perfect sense.

Enjoy your bass playing and resonate that neighborhood. 👍

All the best,
The Earth behaves like a gigantic electric circuit. Its electromagnetic field surrounds and protects all living things with a natural frequency pulsation of 7.83 hertz on average — the so-called “Schumann resonance,” named after physicist Dr S.

about 8hz. and this fact led to many govts and peoples making use of its propergation over the years. many times for so called mind control with the russian woodpecker transmissions and the Natzies too.   it really works by influencing the bio receptors replolorization during each nerve action. like the "QRS" interval which i used to invent the heartbeat seneing "smartepi" semiconductor which directly was quoted in the touch screen invention patents. really sensing a capactive difference from the q charge of the apparent field. remember the big deal field effect transistor. anyhow. the interference or additive effect of 8HZ has a major impact to every earthly activity except ionizing radiation wich by itself is Ion self excited. and why radioactive runaway can happen. all else on earth can be disrupted with an interference wave of equal amplitude and phase... oh boy now i started on phase relasionship. and such it the case with all wave functions least of audio which can be Phased away og gained upon
\thats how modern 500 KW concerts achieve 120 DB A weithed in open fields. the difference from the classic sound tunings of ancient to todays is no accident it became more commercially the thing to do.   not the "Natural" way.
so all the DACs using all the bits and bytes are wrong at the most basic level.
I hope some of you will hook up yout FFT spectrometers and look at all the harmonics, phases and such day and night and see the differences even due to the ionaphere move on a tempature change of 1 degc and the air density shift in acoustic impeadance from 29.9 millibars to 31 millibars. something that happens every day nighht.
so bottom line is there is so much measurable change and affect to the sound and all other wave/atoms that  most of what is disputed on here is totally wacked out......    like fuse and wire direction and breakin. kinda funny that many goverments spent billions studiying sucvh things and all to be found to be mathametically calcualble but irrevelent. to the "Human" which im assuming most of you are at this time.
Uh, it’s not an electromagnetic field, it’s an electromagnetic wave, the wavelength of which, since it occurs in the trough between the earth’s surface and ionosphere, is 25,000 miles. The earth doesn’t act like an electrical circuit. The trough acts like a waveguide for the Schumann resonance. It’s produced mostly by lightning storms. 
and thanks for the solice about the brain, but its all good, just made me realize that most stuff in scociety doesent really matter to the survival of the spices like spelling. as long as you get the idea.
Iused to teach all this freq and wave propergation to the Coast guaed and airforce   heck I did the actual radar jamming for f15s  via phased arrays in the nose.and my dad did it starting in the 30s with very first microwave oscillators using plutonium /uranium vacuum tubes.   the beginning of "radar Jamming"  still have his orignal  microwave tubes in attic.
he started wave influence with sensors that could identify german diesel locols on the track in europe to blow up supply trains. ive still got them too. they could differentiate from empty train,coal loco,freight car or coal car in front of lolo. so only the prime movweer would be blown up. all using specific harmonics,band gaps,resonaces and carbon steel wheel capacitance to the rail at passing.   yea Im bad heavy into this stuff.