I understand less than 1/4 of the science here,
Have a couple of observations:
Steve Deckert of Decware has a paper on this topic-go to the website, go to papers-I think it's called: "What is sound?"
In a music store a couple of months ago ,I saw a guitar tuner, I think the brand was "Snarky" the hook was "Tune to where you want it"-not standard tuning-if nobody cared about this stuff, who would buy one?
I know some of you are musicians.
I don't know about anyone else, but I would pay $10-15 to purchase CD or cassette tape recorded at 432 & 440 to see if I hear the difference.
Unfortunately, that still won't address the more metaphysical/spiritual question of if we were instructed to "make a joyful noise", does 8 Hz sharp make it other than joyful?
Have a couple of observations:
Steve Deckert of Decware has a paper on this topic-go to the website, go to papers-I think it's called: "What is sound?"
In a music store a couple of months ago ,I saw a guitar tuner, I think the brand was "Snarky" the hook was "Tune to where you want it"-not standard tuning-if nobody cared about this stuff, who would buy one?
I know some of you are musicians.
I don't know about anyone else, but I would pay $10-15 to purchase CD or cassette tape recorded at 432 & 440 to see if I hear the difference.
Unfortunately, that still won't address the more metaphysical/spiritual question of if we were instructed to "make a joyful noise", does 8 Hz sharp make it other than joyful?