I attempted to read most of this thread (Not easy given all the product shilling and the cries for attention).
I cannot agree with you that 440Hz being a factor of "government" as pitches were at 440 or higher consistently in the 1800's well before governments got involved. https://www.nature.com/articles/021550a0.pdf
Virtually every argument for 432 can be easily debunked and most of them are junk science, erroneous data, or leaps of faith conclusions. You appear to be a man of science so I think best to look at the science behind all these 432Hz claims. Most are highly questionable.
I attempted to read most of this thread (Not easy given all the product shilling and the cries for attention).
I cannot agree with you that 440Hz being a factor of "government" as pitches were at 440 or higher consistently in the 1800's well before governments got involved. https://www.nature.com/articles/021550a0.pdf
Virtually every argument for 432 can be easily debunked and most of them are junk science, erroneous data, or leaps of faith conclusions. You appear to be a man of science so I think best to look at the science behind all these 432Hz claims. Most are highly questionable.