I haven't sold hardly anything in a month, is anyone else having that problem,or is it me........autospec
I can also say that if you have no feedback people will not sell to you.....EVER! 
As some snobbish seller so rudely told me after enquiring about his item. 
So now I’ll just buy from us audio Mart and use you guys for good information. 
Post removed 
Yes sales are slower than ever on this site.....in general that is. Sure pricing, summer months and other factors play a role, but under it all we are buying less as audiophiles.  The market is indeed slowing and most are just becoming more content with what they have and are getting off the buy/sell cycle.  We are aging and have been there and done that for years.  The pool of buyers willing to try a piece and sell is shrinking.  
The trick is buying right and selling right. As someone pointed out, 50% is about right unless 1) the item is virtually brand new 2) really old 3) in fair condition 4) a hot and desirable item 5) an esoteric item not well supported 6) old tech in a rapidly evolving digital world. I’ve recently sold some cables on Audigon and just bought a subwoofer today. And I might be selling my PSB Imagine T3s soon. I’ll make you a good deal!