For sure you are right...
I only use his attitude as an index and as a mere symptom about a greater societal and civilization problem ...
He is only deluded by the importance of double blind test over anything else...
This means something ... I spoke about what it means not about him personaly ...
Now if you had not seen the techno cult in the last 4 years at work, you dont live awake , sorry ... 😁 It is not complotist theory, it is society tectonic plates movement in the soul ...Materialism versus spirituality... by the way i am not religious...
I know that free will exist and that human soul are grounded in infinity as all living entities...They are not finite machine ...But this question is to begin with for me a mathematical one and i cannot go further here ...
I don’t see any evidence that he is part of some "techno cult," seeking to do some great societal harm. it seems to me that he just doesn’t believe there is any value to high-end Audio cables. I can live with that.