have you ever bought stereo without listening first

I just placed a down payment for a Belles Virtuoso 200wpc amp. Its not in their website, I believe is a new model just put in production. Following Audio Connection,John Rutan's recommendation and pairing it up with an Audible Illusion M3A preamp and Vandys speakers. I believe its going to be a good combo, but has anyone listen to this amp?
That is really a good question, lobinero. Here is my Nickels worth-
You'd think that a town big enough to have the current Super Bowl Champions would have some decent 2 channel audio stores. KC doesn't. None of my gear that I presently own, did I have the chance to audition. I purchased my equipment solely on recommendation (Nelson Pass, Sean Casey, Terry London) and reviews/ Audiogon. Here is what I put together, most used, demo, open box or refurbished.

Pass Labs XA-25 amp
MicroZOTL mz2 preamp
Mytek Brooklyn DAC
Musical Surroundings Nova Phonomena
Rotel RCD-1072 CD player
Marantz tt-15
Hana SL- new
REL t5i
Zu DW speakers with Druid Mk 4 drivers
Zu Event Interconnects- new
Zu Mission PWR cords
Furman power strip

My last purchase was the MicroZOTL mz2. (UPS delivered on Saturday) Wow!, this thing really sounds good. It has great synergy with the Pass XA-25. The sense of space/air/openess is remarkable. Could this piece be the audio equivalent of drafting Patrick Mahomes ... (sorry had to throw that in).

I have several pieces that did not make the present line up. A Supratek Sauvignon that I am determined to do some tube rolling with and re-insert in the line-up. I also have an Audio Research LS-3.
The biggest lesson I've learned in audio is about synergy. Some good quality pieces, just don't sound good with other good quality pieces.
Yes, having a good HiFi shop in town would have made this much easier. For the money I have invested, I would have been farther along in the journey.
Sound quality wise collectively... I'd say these dogs will hunt!
Oh!  Forgot to say IMHO

Any comments?

Hi all, firstly I’d like to pass on my best wishes to everyone suffering this scary time.
At least we have our music to keep us sane.
Anyway back to the original question.
Yes most of my equipment was purchased without auditioning as I live in a small town in a small country way down south with no access to a hifi shop.
All my new equipment was heavily researched on the internet and so far I’m very happy with my purchases. Been lucky I guess.
I’m back at work now as we’re recovering nicely with no new CV19 cases over the last few days.
So not spending so much time listening to music as no longer locked down.
Fingers crossed!
Keep safe n well.
Cheers! Tony.
Like many others have noted here, I also do a lot of research / review reading if I'm going to purchase audio equipment blindly, without in person audition / listening. 

I bought my Zu DW's blindly, mostly because of the rave reviews and the modest return policy (60 day in home trial). Great sounding speaker, huge improvement over what I previously, still very happy with these speakers.

After reading many reviews, I'm about to do it again, leaning towards picking up a Rogue Audio Sphinx, but that purchase my be a "used" piece that I pick up off of the Audiogon classifieds. (I missed out on a few GREAT Sphinx deals the past few weeks, keeping my eyes open)
From his reputation, it sounds like if you were going to follow the recommendation of someone, John Rutan of Audio Connection is the right person.
I have purchased everything unheard. I used to rely on specs and now, as millercarbon stated, I rely on sound impressions from multiple sources, if they are available. I would love to have a pair of Tyler Acoustics Halo speakers, but there isn’t enough information out there. I will probably go with a pair that have user and professional reviews. I live in a rural area and trying to sell used equipment is a hassle.