Walter & Ears: I apologize for coming across so strongly. I hope that you are happy with your purchases AND take the time to do some in-depth listening with them. Having someone that is willing to give them a chance to strut their stuff side by side against other gear will be interesting to say the least. I'm sure that others beside myself would love to see what you think of these after some break-in time.
As to my above comments earlier in this thread, i don't doubt that they will be at least "reasonable" sounding amps. It's not hard to make a "decent" sounding amp nowadays. My main concern is how they do when driven hard and / or with speakers that are of low impedance and / or highly reactive. The lack of power supply and / or current capacity of the output section is what has me most concerned. That's why i suggested losing a channel and dedicating the entire power supply to just one channel per chassis. While i'm not familiar with the design, this could only help in the long run. As i said earlier, this doubles the cost, but the amp(s) should become far more consistent when dealing with various loads thrown at it. If i didn't already have too many amps around here, i'd buy a set just to play with. They are surely cheap enough to do that with. Sean
PS... Who has the best price on these units "just in case" ?