HDMI and Component


I just ordered a Pioneer plasma (pdp427xd), but I am completely new to the HT world.

Question: what is 'the best' HDMI and Component cable, regardless of price?

This may seem a silly question, but don't forget I am a two channel freak... :-)

Go to AVSforum.com, those guys know their stuff when it comes to HT. Their advice re: digital cables (HDMI)is that there is no difference. Just get cables approved for in wall installations if that is your plan, otherwise save your money and look at Monoprice.com or Blue Jean cables. I went with Blue Jean because they carry Belkin which has a solid reputation for build quality.
Sorry about the last post, the text keeps popping up with an auto password program I use. Rd's advice is sound. You can't go wrong with better cables.
I assume you will want to use either HDMI OR Component. If so, I suggest you go the HDMI route. I am a 2-channel freak too. In my opinion, I have yet to see a "cost justifiable" difference in quality from the lesser expensive cable to a more expensive cable. Also, consider the OPPO 981 or 971 DVD player which are fantastic and put the boutique players to shame. They are provided with the HDMI cable which works fine. I realize that with the new TV you are "itching" to spend money but be patient. It may be better to invest in a good power stabilizer rather than cable. BTW, I also have the 50" Pioneer Elite and am quite familiar with the line.
The Audioquest comp cables work very very well, although the Oppo is only reported to shine using HDMI, DVI connections...IMO comp cables are still atleast as good or even better but to each there own, I say Comp is better spending my entire working life in printing and graphic arts, so color and depth is very important to me.
I bought a cheap HDMI cable from http://www.mcminone.com/search.asp?keyword=hdmi+cable

for about $25 while I was waiting for a much more expensive back-ordered cable.

Finally got the back ordered cable, hooked it up. Unhooked it and returned it.

No difference. This surprised me.

Note: if your TV back is not accessible once the TV is in place, tape your HDMI cable in place as they have a tendancy to loosen as the hold is not very tight.

I do hear a lot of different opinions on how good HDMI really is, so make your own mind up. I am not that convinced it is really any better. But I also think the CRT TV has a better picture than the 50" plasmas I have owned!!!! HD or not.