Headphones+Quad 606


I have a set of Quad pre/power amps 606 series,
and there is no headphone jack in the pre-amp.
I was wandering... is there a way to add such a feature
on it? What do I have to do? Add something to the pre-amp box? Buy some device which connects to it? or
I need a new pre-amp?!

Thanks in advance.
Have you looked at a headphone preamp, like the Creek OBH-11 ? (This would connect in the tape loop of your pre-amp - would be even better if you have a spare tape loop). I think it's about $200 .. a lot cheaper than changing your Quad setup.

I have no idea if it is any good, but Creek products tend to be quite well reviewed.

I have such a system, Quad with STAX.

- buy a separate headphone amp ( I have a Stax Signature ) and connect it to the tape output of your preamp. Some of the Stax have a tape loop, then you can go from this into your tape.

- or buy a Stax which can be connected to the 606 power amp, the Stax connectors to fix speaker cables.

First solution is the best, but more expensive, the second is ok too but not the ultimate.

Answer should read: Just add a Headphone amplifier to pre amp RCA outputs via a set of interconects. Assume Quad pre amp amp has 2 sets of RCA outs. See also http://www.headwize.com/, they have great suggestions, also. Sorry for confusion.