@mahgister and yet ...
you can certainly be critical of ME if you want but this isn’t about me. And it doesn’t help your point by accusing me of doing or being something whatever that might be.
This isn’t about you either. Is it? I meant for my question to be related to a statement you made. One that has little meaning unless you put numbers, relative values if you like, to lend credence to your statement that it would cost you "a fortune to buy speakers on the same league of frequencies response".
Are you an audience of one, or was your statement meant to be read by others? Potentially thousands of others? Don’t you think it’s critical to consider what those others think is meant by a fortune? At least in some average sense?
If you don’t think it’s important to provide numbers or a range then I vehemently disagree with your statement, metaphorically stated or otherwise.
BTW, an average is just a mathematical number with some error taken into consideration. I think I could do that math if I needed to. I don't see why it's so difficult for you to do the same, albeit with a large-ish margin of error. It''s not really that difficult, and by no means preposterous as you seem to believe. If you cannot do such a thing then doesn't that render your original statement even less meaningless than it already is?
For instance, where did your number $10,000 come from? I see that you threw that in as an edit to your comment. If that's supposed to be an answer to my question did you consider averages wrt products or consumer budgets? I really don't think this kind of mathematical exercise is difficult in the slightest.